2024: September ~ July ~ June ~ May ~ April


I've been making my way through Limb of Iniquity over the last several weeks, gathering all the points together so as to end the Collective Obsessions Saga once and for all. Hence my lack of blog posts recently. Every waking moment seems to be focused on the book, leaving me little time for anything else.

09/12/24: Gathering Points

Some characters in Limb of Iniquity do die (naturally or by nefarious means) because the timeline takes place during the COVID epidemic (roughly 2020-2022). At the moment, seven people are written in to expire in the fictional town of Larkin City, Maine. Some characters are very well known, others not so much. Read more >

JULY 2024

After the first round of editing, Hearts in Sorrow came in at 130 pages with 49,431 words. From start to finish, Hearts in Sorrow took me about three months to write. It is not an overly long novel, unlike other titles in the Collective Obsessions Saga, but it was ample for establishing the story between John Larkin and Maeve O'Quinn as she did not live much beyond her 19th birthday.

07/21/24: Conclusion is Nigh

I sent the manuscript to my publisher, who in turn sent me a contract for the book on July 20th. I've said it many times before, but receiving a publishing contract never gets old, and in no way do I take it for granted. It gives me a thrill each time. If all goes according to plan, the e-book and paperback editions of Hearts in Sorrow should be released by Christmas 2024. Read more >


I truly dislike writing character death scenes, but it simply has to be done for a fictional story that spans more than 165 years through ten novels.

07/01/24: Character Death Knell

If I can keep up the relentless pace, I predict the first draft of Hearts in Sorrow will be complete by the end of July or early August. Read more >

JUNE 2024

I've re-designed the "splash" page of my website.

06/22/24: New Splasher

If you hover your mouse over the image on the actual web page, it goes from blue to green. You have to be quick about it, though. I coded the splash to forward to the main page in 9 seconds. Read more >

It's been almost nine years since I last took the Proust Questionnaire.

06/21/24: Proust 2024

According to Wikipedia: "The Proust Questionnaire is a questionnaire about one's personality. Its name and modern popularity as a form of interview is owed to the responses given by the French writer Marcel Proust." Read more >

MAY 2024

I must be out of my ever-loving mind to write two books at once. However, that's exactly what I'm doing at the moment, and I'm bound and determined to finish both of them before year-end.

05/29/24: Double Whammy

At least the two books are part of the Collective Obsessions Saga. Hearts in Sorrow is the "prequel," while Limb of Iniquity is the final installment. It brings the saga to a nice, round number of ten novels in the series. Read more >

There are many complicated family tree software programs available online, but I rely on Famtree. It's been around for ages, yet it is still the best genealogy application I've ever used (even better than Ancestry.Com and Roots Magic).

05/24/24: Fictional Genealogy

Famtree has been essential to me in building and tracking the fictional Larkin and Sullivan families in relation to the Collective Obsessions Saga. I cannot sing high enough praise to the program and its creator, Phil Sapiro. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to create the Larkin-Sullivan Family Tree. Read more >

I'm finally finished with website updates for the time being. I basically re-did all the sites for my books, and edited several of the accompanying documents as well.

05/13/24: Web Mish-Mash

Click here to download the document. Read more >

new page has been launched on my website, which includes photo snapshots taken from the dedication pages of paperback books by yours truly and my pseudonym, Deidre Dalton.

05/08/24: Book Dedications

The dedications are also available in a PDF document. Click here to download the file. Read more >

While the new Food Fare Gallery does not have pictures of food per say, it does contain all cookbook and Culinary Collection covers.

05/05/24: Foody Photo Gallery

On a foody-related note, I recently changed the status of Glinhaven Cookery to a free cookbook, which is available as a PDF download only. The collection is a compilation of more than 45 recipes mentioned or prepared by characters in Glinhaven. There is also a small section at the end of the cookbook containing recipes for felines. Read more >

More new fonts to add to my collection. The following is a miscellaneous array, which can be used in almost any theme (notwithstanding that I added "Cinnamon Coffee Cake" to the list twice!).

05/04/24: Font Collections II

One might think people would run out of new font designs eventually, but they seem to come in a never-ending stream. Read more >


In keeping with my recent spin into re-doing book websites, I took a stab at new designs for my novels Celtic Remnants, The Crypt Artist, Glinhaven, and Mind Sweeper. Hands down, the new "splash" page for Mind Sweeper turned out the best:

05/03/24: Web Updates & New Logos

I find creating designs quite relaxing, as odd as it may sound. It is second only to my love of reading. Read more >

APRIL 2024

The website for Celtic Remnants has been refurbished! I've meant to spruce it up for some time now, but only recently got the job done.

04/28/24: Celtic Refurbish

All in all, I'm very happy with the new design for the online presence of Celtic Remnants, and will likely be for a long time to come. Read more >

Although Glinhaven by yours truly was released four years ago this month, the book cover for the novel still remains my favorite to date.

04/23/24: Memories of Glinhaven

I especially love the glowing lamp on the paperback spine.  Read more >


Since Adobe no longer supports their flash video software, I went ahead and re-created all of my book covers in simple fashion to form a new gallery of sorts.

04/20/24: New Books Gallery

I think it turned out rather well. :) Read more >

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