Double Whammy

Posted Wednesday, 05/29/24

I must be out of my ever-loving mind to write two books at once. However, that's exactly what I'm doing at the moment, and I'm bound and determined to finish both of them before year-end.

At least the two books are part of the Collective Obsessions Saga. Hearts in Sorrow is the "prequel," while Limb of Iniquity is the final installment. It brings the saga to a nice, round number of ten novels in the series.

It wasn't until just recently that I decided to write a "prequel" to the Collective Obsessions Saga. For the time being, it is titled Hearts in Sorrow. The story is outlined below (or "blurbed" as you will).


Long before emigrating to America to settle the town of Larkin, Maine, John Larkin falls for the hauntingly beautiful Maeve O'Quinn in his native Ireland. Although frail, she returns the love of the future Larkin patriarch in full measure as she envisions a rosy life with him, little knowing that fate has other plans for them.


"Hearts in Sorrow" by Deborah O'Toole writing as Deidre DaltonThe Collective Obsessions Saga begins with the prequel, Hearts in Sorrow.

Years before emigrating to America to settle the town of Larkin, Maine in 1866, John Larkin falls for the flame-haired and green-eyed Maeve O'Quinn in his native Ireland. Although frail, she returns the future Larkin patriarch's love in full measure as she envisions a rosy life with him. Yet their love is not meant to be as fate cruelly intervenes to deny them.

After an unimaginable tragedy, John is left numb with grief but forges ahead to establish his own family. He settles for Anne O'Quinn, Maeve's older sister, who holds no candle to Maeve's beauty. Anne is tall and awkwardly big-boned, with golden brown hair, a long narrow face and dark coal eyes. She quickly agrees to marry John, secretly in love with the dashing man who had been meant for her sister.

Anne wonders if their marriage will be enough to hold John's interest, especially after they emigrate to America.

Or will he forsake her for another?

Hearts in Sorrow will be released in 2025. The storyline, estimated completion date, book cover art and excerpts may be subject to change as the book is currently in the writing process.

The art for the temporary book cover was obtained from Vitalentum via Ace, where the "free AI imagery hub" is for business and personal use." So, in truth, the image is not of a real person but rather an AI-enhanced vision. The cover text and layout were edited by yours truly. To see the cover history thus far, click here.

Stay tuned!

Irish Eyes: Collective Obsessions Saga

Tags: Collective Obsessions; Writing & Editing