Kids at Play

Posted Tue, 10/06/15

During life's trials and tribulations, my darling "kids" Rainee and Kiki have remained my most steadfast supporters. It might sound strange (and rather sad), but the kids bring me comfort and laughter more so than any human being ever has. My kids are worth their weight in gold, and I feel they deserve all I can give them in return.

I don't mind Rainee sleeping on the furniture, in fact I encourage her to do so. However, she remembers Mum's reprimands when she climbed onto the recliner or the sofa and still thinks it's a no-no. Every night before going to bed, I straighten the towel covering and pillows on the loveseat in the living room, but when I see it again in the morning it is in disarray:

The loveseat, before and after Rainee (07/30/15). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

(Above): The loveseat, before and after Rainee (07/30/15). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Kiki has a new toy, which she enjoys batting about and then eating the spoils. It's known as a Pull 'n Play from Friskies, whereby cats swat at "Wobbert," eat his stringy ears and extract small treats from a hole on the side:

Pull 'n Play from Friskies. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.   Kiki with Pull 'n Play from Friskies. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

(Above, left to right): Pull 'n Play from Friskies, and Kiki enjoying Pull 'n Play (07/30/15). Click on images to view larger sizes in a new window.

I adore my kids, so it makes me happy to see them happy.

Blog Tags: Photos & Other Images

Tags: Kiki; Photos & Other Images; Rainee