Timely Itineraries

Posted Wednesday, 12/28/22

I found a treasure trove of information in The Henrician Court During Cardinal Wolsey's Ascendancy C. 1514-1529 by Neil Samman (circa 1988) found via Bangor University in Wales. The document contains complete travel itineraries for Henry VIII between 1514-1530. It has already become very useful for In the Shadow of the King.

I copied and pasted the itineraries only into a new document and formatted them for an easier read. The original file was built using the old courier font, so I re-did the itineraries with a font known as "Lora." It makes it simple to reference.

"In the Shadow of the King" itineraries (1514-1530). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

(Above): Henry VIII's Itineraries (1514-1530). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Now I don't have to guess or fabricate where Henry VIII (and Sir Francis Bryan) were residing at any given time for the years mentioned.

Current stats for In the Shadow of the King: 351 pages and 134,045 words. I'm up to the year 1521.

Irish Eyes: In the Shadow of the King

Tags: In the Shadow of the King