Holidays Et Al

Posted Thu, 12/15/16

Free speech gives us the ability to impart holiday greetings with any phrase we choose to use. Some say Merry Christmas, while others use Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever idiom floats your boat.

I prefer "Happy Holidays" not because it's supposed to be politically correct, but rather the phrase to me covers all the year-end holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years).

And because I like Goth-themed goodies, I put together this little greeting from me and my kids (click on image to view larger size in a new window):

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Deborah O'Toole and her kids Rainee and Kiki. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

My plans for the holidays hopefully come to fruition. For starters, I'm looking forward to peace and quiet. I'd also like to catch-up on some reading (currently on A Game of Thrones and Fogged Inn), perhaps do a bit of writing and maybe reflect on the past year in general, and to think positively about the future.

With my furry kids by my side, of course! They never fail me.

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