Word Counts Update
Posted Tue, 05/17/16
I haven't written any blog posts since last January, a bad habit I've fallen into over the past year but one I intend to fix right quick. The lack of blog posts does not translate into an absence of work, however.
recently finished writing new scenes for the upcoming reissue of
The Twain Shall Meet
yours truly
writing as Deidre
Dalton), which will occur later this summer (probably August).
Word count for the material topped just over 30,000.
Nearly 100% of the new scenes focus on main characters Scott Page and Shannon Larkin at the beginning of their relationship. The writing binge went on for well over two months earlier this year, wearing me down in the process (as usually happens). I'm currently inserting the scenes into the existing book, and then I'll be onto editing the material in its entirety a dozen or so times before considering it complete. A new book cover for the novel will also be forthcoming, but I can't say much more for the time being.
Speaking of word counts, I've also updated Writing Word Counts on my blog. It's about time too, but better late than never.
*POSTSCRIPT (05/31/16): Just sent off the revised manuscript of The Twain Shall Meet to my publisher. Keep your fingers crossed she likes the changes. Upon its original publication in 2012, the ms had 234 pages with a word count of 131,628. The new edition has 296 pages and a word count of 161,931. Not bad! :)
*POSTSCRIPT (06/06/16): I'm so excited I can barely sit still! My publisher got back to me about the new material for The Twain Shall Meet, with the message: "I've always loved your work, especially this series (Collective Obsessions Saga). As an editor, there are some stories that just stay with you long after they've been published, and you keep hoping to return to those particular worlds - this series was like that for me, so I look forward to revisiting." Print-on-Demand and new Goth covers for all eight books in the series are also being discussed. I never take being published for granted, and I never assume everyone will like the work. I remember all too well how long and hard the road to being published was, so every time it happens I'm still astonished. Somehow it makes the self-imposed social isolation and writing binges late into the night all worthwhile. ;)