70s Fonts & Design

Posted Thu, 03/06/14

Paperback book cover fonts during the 1970s were bold and attractive for the most part. I toyed with some of them when creating the cover for Glinhaven, finally settling on Harrington for the author name and Trajan for the book title.

"Glinhaven" book cover fonts: Harrington and Trajan.

Here are a few more classic 1970s fonts (click on single font image below to view larger size in a new window).

1970s font styles: American Purpose, Avant Garde, Cooper Black, Futura, Kompakt, KTF Roadstar, Souvenir and Spicy Rice. Click on single font image to view larger size in a new window.

In plain English, the pictured fonts include American Purpose, Avant Garde, Cooper Black, Futura, Kompakt, KTF Roadstar, Souvenir and Spicy Rice.

I've developed a special web site for Glinhaven, which will not go live until the book is released this summer. In designing the site offline, I used the 1970s font known as Chocolate Box (for the intro and page headers):

Chocolate Box font

Intro and button previews from the upcoming "Glinhaven" site using the Chocolate Box font:

Intro preview from the upcoming "Glinhaven" site using the Chocolate Box font.

Button/page header preview from the upcoming "Glinhaven" site using the Chocolate Box font.

Semi-Related Trivia: You know you're reading an authentic gothic fiction novel published in the 1970s when full-color Kent or Marlboro cigarette ads are inserted into the binding along with the book's pages.

It's not something you'll likely see in modern paperback novels.

Web Design/Computer Misc

Tags: Glinhaven; Web Design/Computer Misc