No Ball Here

Posted Sun, 02/05/12

Although I might seem "un-American" for saying so, I'm not the least bit interested in the Super Bowl today. I can't think of anything more boring than to plop down in front of the television to watch the mindless ooze of celebrity or even more advertising tripe.

I used to like football when the Oakland Raiders were on top. How many years ago did that phenomenon occur? If they aren't playing, I just don't care to watch. However, even the lure of the Raiders could not convince me to endure a long string of telly ads.

Instead, I'll be reading (currently on 11/22/63), and writing. I'm dabbling with a new series of books under my literary pseudonym Deidre Dalton, among a few other ideas.

No rest for the weary, even on Sunday.

Irish Eyes: Books & Reading

Tags: Books & Reading