Piecemeal Scribbles

Posted Saturday, 01/23/21

When I sit down to write a story, I usually do so in the actual order of the book: from prologue to the first chapter, and right to the end. I attribute the habit to my "Virgo" obsession with organization. It's a habit that has remained consistent throughout my entire writing career.

Until now.

In Progress: "Blood & Soul" by Deborah O'Toole writing as Deidre Dalton.

I'm currently working on Blood & Soul, final book in The Bloodline Trilogy. Since beginning in earnest late last year, I've been writing various parts of the story almost completely out of order. One day, it might be the main character Emma Beckett in childhood, and then the next will be scenes in her adult years, and then back again. The story is coming to me in random chunks, which is somewhat disconcerting in my typical writing sphere.

However, the haphazard and unfamiliar method seems to be working for Blood & Soul. I'm not sure what is driving the unusual pattern, but I'm not complaining.

I hope to be complete Blood & Soul in early or late summer 2021.

Irish Eyes: The Bloodline Trilogy

*Related Posts: Intermittent Outlines (03/21/2021) and Piecemeal Scribbles (01/23/2021).

Tags: Bloodline Trilogy; Writing & Editing