Bird Watching & Hair

Posted Mon, 10/05/15

During my illness last month, I spent most of my time on the living room couch. A big picture window overlooks the backyard deck, which includes a grill, and a round table and chairs. I'm a lifelong zealot against waste, so I'd taken to throwing stale bread onto the deck table for the birds. As I lay prone on the couch, I often glanced out the window and sometimes took a photo or two:

Birds on the table (06/03/15). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.      Raven on the table (06/06/15). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Ring-necked doves on the table (07/01/15), circled in white. Click on image to view larger size in a new window. Ring-necked dove on the table (07/01/15), circled in white. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

(Top, left to right): Little starlings on the table (06/03/15), and a lone raven on the table (06/06/15). (Bottom, left to right): Two ring-necked doves on the table (07/01/15), and a lone ring-necked dove inspects the breadcrumbs (07/01/15). Click on images to view larger sizes in a new window.

While the birds enjoy the stale bread, they seem to prefer torn-up bagels and thawed frozen waffles. They absolutely detest old saltine crackers, probably because of the salt, and refused to eat them. The species of visiting birds ranged from blue jays, ravens, ring-necked doves (usually in pairs) and little starlings.

Also during my illness, just brushing my long hair was exhausting. So one morning I impulsively chopped off the pony tail, which indeed made my hair easier to brush:

The remains of my pony tail. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

It's odd what one can get up to when sick and bored!

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